Adding Sparkles To Your Elvish Photos

A blogging friend of mine recently told me how to add sparkles to my photos. I had to find just the right kind of photo to add the sparkles to. Now, this photo isn't the best technically - my focal point is off. I took it when I tended to use automatic focus more - which in a forest like this just won't work. But I love the girls' expressions. Enjoy.


How to do it. Go to brushes. Choose a star brush. Choose a size that fits your picture. I chose 92 and was working with a 1500px x 1000px picture. Click on the brushes palette button. brushes_palette_buttonAdjust the count, scatter, and jitter to your liking. Count and scatter are located under scatter. Jitter controls are located under scatter, but also under other dynamics. I turned my opacity jitter (located under other dynamics) to 0.


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